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Spiritual Formation

Connect with other leaders both online and in person for spiritual formation opportunities


Book Club


The Tears of Things: Prophetic Wisdom in an Age of Outrage

By Richard Rohr  


Tuesday March 11th - April 15th 

Noon - 1pm EST

This book is set to be released on March 4th! Order your Kindle, Audio, or hardback version now to receive it that day. Then join us for discussion on what I imagine will be an inspiring & timely meditation for our times. 

Sabbath Innovation Lab Presents


Walking the Labyrinth with Niala Boodhoo


Monday March 10th

6:30 - 8:00pm EST

A prayer labyrinth. What is it? Where did it come from? Is there a wrong way to walk it? How do I walk it with others? Where can I find one? These questions and more will be addressed during this seminar with Niala Boodhoo who is a certified spiritual director, a Veriditas-trained labyrinth facilitator and an ordained elder in the Presbyterian church. 



Aug 28 - 31, 2025

1001 is once again sponsoring ‘The Tent of Make Believe’ at The Goose, where Fred Rogers is our patron saint. Wild Goose is an amazing festival of music, arts, and creative church expressions. 


If you would like to be a part of our tent by hosting a presentation or just want to come and connect with other 1001 leaders and experience the festival we have many ways to get you involved. We have a limited number of festival admissions and an unlimited number of half price admissions. Sign up and Jeff will be in touch!

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